After the death of Qasim Sulemani, the world is facing war, sending 3000 soldiers to Gulf US – Qasem soleimani donald trump iran tehran america us middle east war



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  • 3000 troops sending Gulf to US
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Iranian General Qasim Sulemani After the death of the world, there is a danger of war in the world. Iran has said that it will take revenge for the death of its commander from America. The US, sensing these threats, is sending 3000 more troops to the Gulf countries. Through this, the United States is busy building its fortifications in the Gulf countries.

America sending 3000 troops to Gulf

According to the news agency PTI, the officials of the US Department of Defense have said that Jin 3000 troops being sent to Gulf belong to the 82nd Airborne Division and belong to Fort Breg, North Carolina. However, on the condition of anonymity, this official said that the US Defense Ministry Pentagon has not announced this decision yet.

This squad of 3000 soldiers is in addition to the 700 soldiers who were sent to Kuwait this week. Was The US made these deployments when Iran-backed boys attacked the US embassy in Baghdad. These preparations of the US show that it is ready to deal with every situation arising after the death of Iranian General Qasim Suleimani.

14000 troops have been sent to America

Before the deployment of 700 soldiers last week America has sent 14000 troops to the Middle East from May to last week. In May itself, the US publicly acknowledged that Iran was planning an attack on targets of American interest.

 iran-1_010420055948.jpg "src =" https: // akm-img "width =" 100% "height =" "align =" left Tehran Qasim Women mourning Suleimani's death (Photo-AP)

War is to avert attack

Here US President Donald Trump said Is that Qasim Suleman of 'the end' because he was about to attack

American Diplomats. However, he said that the US does not want to topple the current government of Iran. Trump said in Florida, "Sulaimani was going to attack American diplomats and military officers, but we caught him in the middle and ended him"

Although Trump Denying the possibility of confrontation for the present time, he said that he does not want war with Iran. He said, "The action we took last night was taken to stop the war, we did not take action to start the war. We do not want a change of power in Iran."


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Syed Ali Khomeini pledged to take revenge after the death of the Quds Force chief General Qasim Sulemani, who was waiting to face the consequences. Or is According to Tehran-based Press TV, Khomeini said that, "The most cruel people on earth killed the 'honorable commander who fought courageously against the evils and dacoits of the world". He said, "His mission will not stop with his death, but the criminals who stained their hands with the blood of General Suleimani and other martyrs on Thursday night must have

a tremendous revenge, waiting to suffer the consequences." . "

 iran-2_010420060027.jpg" src = " jpg "width =" 100% "height =" "align =" left A child for photo of General Qasim Sulemani (Photo-AP)

Not deteriorate Ahia circumstances

Meanwhile, India said that Iranian military commander General Qasim Middle East situation agate killing should Bigdni forward anymore. A spokesman for the Ministry of External Affairs said, "The increase in tension has made the world vulnerable. Peace, stability and security in the region are of utmost importance for India. It is important that the situation does not deteriorate further. India has continued to maintain restraint Has supported and will continue to do so. "

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