Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived on a two-day visit to Karnataka, on Thursday took a jibe at the Congress on the pretext of former PM Rajiv Gandhi, saying that there was also a period in the country when a rupee was sent for the poor in the country, only 15 Money used to reach. The remaining 85 were used by middlemen.
As many are being sent today, the whole are directly reaching the poor's account. The PM said, in the new year I hope that those states not connected with PM Samman Kisan Yojana will also join. This is the plan of this party, such thinking has done a lot of harm to the poor and farmers.
After the program organized at Siddhganga Math, PM said in a public meeting held in Tumkur, our government has always supported the interest of farmers. Prioritized. Hundreds of irrigation projects that have been hanging for decades, changes in rules related to crop insurance, autonomous health cards or 100% neem coating of urea, we have always prioritized the interests of farmers.
Farmers for many years They were demanding that the minimum support price be increased by one and a half times. Our government also took this historic decision. The PM said, there is no better fortune than having a darshan of Annadata at the beginning of the new year. I wish all the best.
I thank the growers. Today, due to your hard work, food production in India is at a record level. Former Congress PM Rajiv Gandhi once said that if one rupee is sent from the center, then only 15 paise can reach the village.
PM Modi said, besides addressing your current needs, our focus is also on future needs. The capacity of cold storage is being increased throughout the country to ensure that farmers do not have any problem of storage of grains, fruits and flowers. Inam network is being expanded so that farmers can sell their crops in the electronic market of any part of the country.
Farmers taken into custody
Before Modi reached Karnataka, Bengaluru Some farmers were detained in Tumkur, Shivamoga. These farmers were protesting against the Prime Minister for not implementing the recommendations of the Swaminathan Committee.
Modi said that due to the path shown by the saints, we have stepped into the third decade of the 21st century with hope and enthusiasm. He said that we all know what kind of atmosphere started in the last decade and what is the situation now.
He also sought active support from saints for three resolutions. First, we have to reinforce our archaic culture of giving importance to our duties and obligations. Second, protecting nature and the environment. Third, cooperation in public awareness for water conservation, water harvesting.
- PM slams Congress on the pretext of former PM Rajiv Gandhi
- Said- We have completed projects hanging for decades
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived on a two-day visit to Karnataka, on Thursday took a jibe at the Congress on the pretext of former PM Rajiv Gandhi, saying that there was also a period in the country when a rupee was sent for the poor in the country, only 15 Money used to reach. The rest 85 middlemen were killed.
Today, as many as are being sent, all of them are directly reaching the account of the poor. The PM said, in the new year I hope that those states not connected with PM Samman Kisan Yojana will also join. This plan is the thinking of this party. Such thinking has done great harm to the poor and farmers.
After the program organized at Siddhganga Math, PM said in a public meeting held in Tumkur, our government always gave priority to the interest of farmers. Hundreds of irrigation projects that have been hanging for decades, changes in rules related to crop insurance, autonomous health cards or 100% neem coating of urea, we have always prioritized the interests of farmers.
Farmers for many years They were demanding that the minimum support price be increased by one and a half times. Our government also took this historic decision. The PM said, there is no better fortune than having a darshan of Annadata at the beginning of the new year. I wish all the best.
I thank the growers. Today, due to your hard work, food production in India is at a record level. Former Congress PM Rajiv Gandhi once said that if one rupee is sent from the center, then only 15 paise can reach the village.
The expansion of the reward network
PM Modi said, Apart from addressing your current needs, our focus is also on future needs. The capacity of cold storage is being increased throughout the country to ensure that farmers do not have any problem of storage of grains, fruits and flowers. Inam network is being expanded so that farmers can sell their crops in the electronic market of any part of the country.
Farmers taken into custody
Before Modi reached Karnataka, Bengaluru Some farmers were detained in Tumkur, Shivamoga. These farmers were protesting against the Prime Minister for not implementing the recommendations of the Swaminathan Committee.
Seeks cooperation with saints on three resolutions
Modi said that it is because of the path shown by saints that we have stepped into the third decade of 21st century with hope and enthusiasm. He said that we all know what kind of atmosphere started in the last decade and what is the situation now.
He also sought active support from saints for three resolutions. First, we have to reinforce our archaic culture of giving importance to our duties and obligations. Second, protecting nature and the environment. Third, cooperation in public awareness for water conservation, water harvesting.
The post Pm Modi Said Before Sending 100 Paise, Middlemen Tooks 85 Paise Today All Money In Account Of Poor – Before sending 100 paise, 85 paise was killed by middlemen, today all the money in poor's account: Modi appeared first on Khabar Bollywood.